Located in the hills of Williamson County lies the historic Nolensville where residents benefit from the charming small town life as well as close proximity to Metropolitan Nashville. The town is located approximately 22 to the south and east of Nashville and boasts roughly 6,000 residents.
Nolensville residents have a true commitment to their community. Every year a July 4th and Veteren’s Day a breakfast celebration is held to honor the country and those who have served it. Additionally, Nolesville also holds a design committee to ensure that any new commercial building follows the established architectural design standards to protect its charm. Many great public schools are found in the town to educate its children. Furthermore, there is an excellent recreation program offering countless sports options to partake in along with a growing train and greenway system created to serve all of its residents.
It is no wonder why Nolensville is a highly sought after place to call home.